Daily use of Revive MD's Daily Greens formula provides all the beneficial nutrients from plant-based ingredients to support a healthy and balanced diet. Each scoop contains a “superfood” blend rich in antioxidants and powerful plant-based nutrients to help lower inflammation, support digestion and boost energy levels. This complete formula helps support antioxidant activity and can help protect the body from cellular stress.
Our Daily Greens superfood powder has been formulated for those with diets low in fruits and vegetables. If your daily intake of fruits and vegetables is lower than the recommended amount, this supplement is for you. Daily use of this naturally-derived formula helps increase fiber intake, and serves as a high ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) blend.
Inulin is a type of dietary fiber. Research has linked it to several health benefits, such as improving digestive health, helping control diabetes, and aiding weight loss. Inulin is a dietary fiber that may benefit gut health.
Our Greens Blend consists of a variety of fruits and vegetables to support with antioxidant and detoxification.
Our superfood blend consists of high quality ingredients that we would otherwise naturally get in our diet, but because it can be challenging to get all those nutrients daily, our blend helps us achieve that.